There lies truth in crying alone. In smiling alone and laughing alone. In standing still and moving alone. In being and feeling - alone. In solitude there lies the rawest form of truth.
There arises anger from not fighting for oneself. Tiredness from not moving for oneself. Coming from the lack of inner listening. A form of listening that will - cannot do anything else - than lead to heartfelt effort.
Let's say I am not the best in the world in something I enjoy - why care? What if I don't strive for perfection, but just strive to do it? Bathing in the contemporary genuineness and not thinking about what I could be with it in the future. What if my present just changes faster than yours and my truth falls apart when yours begins in form of continuity?
When I truly am with myself, I feel the whole magnitude of my existence that cannot be questioned by anyone as it fills every pore of my current empiricism.
But not only in solitude lies truth. Maybe I am seeking people, because sometimes I find truth easier mirrored, standing in front of me. Rather than me dipping into the raw, black turbulence of myself where at times nothing is reflected, but all the information is absorbed in chaos - maybe I have to look into bright light. Every dear person reflecting a different colour of myself and all of them mixed together being the looking glass that beams verity back at me.

Picture taken 2017 at Montserrat, Spain.
I love people with whom I can stay connected when I have room for solitude. As aloneness can create the space to warmly welcome loneliness and other feelings unexpressed. Without it, feelings are kept in cages, not fitting, not wanted, cramped into a clump and stubbing against all the walls and restrictions we put up. Feelings capture part of our truth and truth grows with the space we make for it. What beauty there is in truth.
And how exactly can we find it in others? I desire some people. To be with them. But do I desire them or the way they bring me closer to myself? So by being together we drift apart, each one of us diving deeper into theirselves. And thus, we find togetherness in our solitude. It is like singing a duet. Our voices harmonize even though they don't hit the same note. We sing separately, but in addition the harmony makes us fall deeper into the music. Deeper into life. Forces us to forget our outside presence by throwing us fully into our own vibration. Simultaneously together and apart.
Even when I had to part with people I loved. They left me a puzzle piece to my own symphony as a gift. So do I also reflect and find myself in the love I feel? And am I able to find love in the things I enjoy?
I will put it this way.
The only one I truly wish to make mine - is myself.
And the irony is that I think we can help each other with that by embracing each other in solitude.